The multinb module

Operations involving multiple notebooks in sequences can use pipelines to further organize execution.

There are two types of steps provided by multinb that are sufficient to connect and process notebooks in a great deal of ways.

Notebook steps

Notebook steps abstract notebook files down to inputs, outputs, and the cells that should be run in between. Each notebook step requires a filename and carry_vars to be defined.

add_notebook(self, filename, carry_vars, start_cell_idx=None, select_cells=None, until_variable=None)

Contains any necessary information for running a notebook in a pipeline.

  • filename – Name or path to Jupyter notebook file.
  • carry_vars – Variables to save from execution for the next step.
  • start_cell_idx – (optional) Index of code cell to begin execution at. Necessary for intercepting variables in notebooks to use the output from a prior step*
  • select_cells – (optional) List of code cell indices to run. If not defined, will run all cells.
  • until_variable – (optional) Name of variable to halt execution once acquired. If variable does not exist, will run all cells.

Transform steps

Transform steps accept a dictionary containing the carry_vars and their computed values from the last NotebookStep (or the state from the last TransformStep) and output a dictionary containing a new state. They are useful for inserting custom functions between notebooks to rename certain variables, modify values, or dynamically remove variables from the state.

add_transform(self, l_function)

Contains functional information to directly modify the state in a pipeline.


Contains logic to process from_state dictionary of variables.

rtype:Dictionary of format { ‘<variable_name>’ : value, … }

Building a pipeline

By adding steps and intercepting variables using start_cell_idx, pipelines can help pull work between complex notebooks in one place.

from conveyor.multinb import Pipeline

data_processing = Pipeline()
data_processing.add_notebook(filename="conveyor/examples/load_data.ipynb", carry_vars=['df'])

def transform_magic(from_state):
    to_state = dict()
    to_state['transformed_magic_number'] = -1 * from_state['magic_number']
    return to_state

results =

For information on how to process results see the section on output.