Home ^^^^ Conveyor lets you quickly compute and reuse information stored in Jupyter notebooks in just a couple lines of code. Using this tool to reference prior work in outside notebooks can help keep notebook workflows organized, separating large ideas that require multiple steps to execute into a smaller, more focused file structure. Quickstart """""""""" The fastest way to get started using Conveyor is with the nbglobals module: .. code-block:: python import conveyor conveyor.run_notebook("Sample Calculations I.ipynb", import_globals=True) from conveyor.nbglobals import x, z Any time run_notebook is called with import_globals=True, the variables in conveyor.nbglobals are updated by those in the new notebook. Table of Contents """"""""""""""""" .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 installation running_a_notebook multinb nbglobals parsing_output contribute Indices and tables """""""""""""""""" * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`